Transformational Retreats
For those who can afford the experience, intense private retreats have the ability to provide big, meaningful change — very quickly.
I have found the best way to foster change is to do so outside of your comfort zone. When we are in uncharted territory, it’s more likely that our “stuff” will rise to the surface. It’s this exact “stuff” that will point us in the direction we need to go in order to move forward.
Because of that, I usually lead these experiences outside of the United States. Costa Rica is my preferred destination, though you are not limited to that choice. Southeast Asia also works very well.
These experiences begin at $10,000 USD, and are 100% personalized to suit your own unique situation. To see if you might be a good fit for this program, please contact me for a free consultation.
Other Services
Private Sessions
Group Sessions
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You’ve got this! Help is only a click or a call away.
You’ll know when the time is right to ask for help. And I’ll be here. This, or something greater, for the Highest Good of all concerned!