Just like you, I’m constantly growing and learning. Trying to figure things out as I go along. Therefore, my list of guiding principles is sometimes adjusted to fit where I’m presently at in my life.
Some of this list originated from materials we used at the University of Santa Monica, where I completed my graduate work in Spiritual Psychology. I immediately understood some of these principles, and felt in alignment with them. Others took me years to fully understand. I still strive to incorporate these principles into my daily life.
I’m one of those “not religious, but spiritual” people. By that I mean that I believe there is ‘something greater’ than I am. Sometimes I call that ‘something greater’ the name Spirit. Other times I use the names “Universe, Great Mystery, God, Source, Light.” The actual name doesn’t matter.
To work with me, it’s not at all necessary to understand – nor even to believe – any or all of these statements above or below. I just thought some people might be interested to know what I’ve got going on “under the hood” so to speak. In the coming weeks I’ll be writing more about each one of these statements in more detail.
- The nature of the Universe and our natural human state is Love
- All of life is for Learning and Loving
- All of us are Divine Beings having a human experience
- An ‘unresolved issue’ is anything that disturbs our peace
- Unresolved issues are not bad, rather opportunities for spiritual growth
- Though others may behave inappropriately toward us, we have the power to choose our response and to heal any disturbance within ourselves
- While we are not responsible for the actions of others, we are completely responsible for our own experiences in life
- Physical world reality exists for spiritual growth
- Spirit meets you at your point of action
- Our beliefs determine our experiences
- The more we cultivate a healthy inner world, the greater our capacity to manifest an outer world that reflects our own inner reality
- The issue isn’t the issue: the real issue is how you are with yourself as you go through the issue
- Healing is the application of Loving to the places inside that hurt
- Every time an individual resolves a single issue, all of humanity moves forward in its evolution
- Spiritual growth is a process, not an event
- Direct Experience is how Belief is turned into Knowing
- Judgment is self-condemnation – Self-forgiveness is freedom
- Human experiences on Earth is the learning in our “school of life”
- The primary goal is to accept and master the lessons from this school
- A life filled with Acceptance is a life free of unnecessary emotional suffering
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